3D Model-Inspector is typically used in daily Inventor modeling jobs and to support Data exchange or Data migration.
The Company's CAD Guidelines can be provided in adaptable Check configurations and used with one click. Thus the Verification of Company Standards in 3D-Inventor-constructions are assured and guaranteed.
The result is a major and significant Improve of the Data Quality.
Inconsistance and sources of error were avoided early, which means a overwhelming reduction of time and cost-intensive reworking.
The data exchange with partners and customers can be managed by a Easy-to-Verify common base, which means a higher integrity of 3D Data.
3D Model-Inspector is therefore a valuable and scalable tool for the Quality assurance in the Inventor world.
Automatically derived Check reports can serve as a Quality reference to support the Quality Management and can be used as a check-list to fix the Model deviations straightforward.
Furthermore the integration in workflows i.e. supporting the proof cycle for new release verfication of EDM/PDM-Systems is also possible and identify 3D Model Inspector as a helpful component in a comprehensive PLM solution.